Far-right satanist on terrorist watch jailed for making child abuse image

A convicted satanist and far-right extremist who was given a suspended sentence as a teenager has now been imprisoned after admitting further crimes including making an indecent photograph of a child.

Harry Vaughan, from Twickenham, south-west London, was 18 when he admitted 14 terror offences and two of possessing indecent images of children during his first trial at the Old Bailey.

Mr Justice Sweeney handed Vaughan a two-year suspended sentence in November 2020 along with a 60-day rehabilitation order and a terrorist notification order for 10 years.

In June, the 21-year-old, who now goes by the name Harry Blake, pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to making an indecent photograph of a child in September 2022.

He also admitted three charges of possessing extreme pornographic videos, three counts of failing to comply with a Serious Crime Prevention Order (SPCO) and three breaches of his notification order.

Read more: The Guardian (UK)