Alleged Islamic State ‘Beatle’ jailed for terrorism offences

A British man once accused of being a member of an Islamic State cell dubbed “The Beatles” because its members had English accents was jailed for eight years on Monday for terrorism offences, London’s Metropolitan Police said.

Aine Davis, 39, was arrested last August after being deported to Britain from Turkey, where he had been convicted of membership of the jihadist group Islamic State, also known by its Arabic acronym Daesh.

He was sentenced at London’s Old Bailey on Monday having pleaded guilty to two terrorism fundraising charges and possession of a firearm for terrorist purposes last month.

“Davis arranged for a large sum of money to be smuggled from the UK to fund the terrorist activities of Daesh – a group he had travelled to Syria to join,” Commander Dominic Murphy, who leads the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command, said in a statement.

Read more: Reuters