Drone, explosive attacks target US forces across Iraq

U.S. forces were targeted in three attacks in Iraq on Thursday but suffered no casualties, a U.S. military official and security sources said, in the most widespread single day of strikes on U.S. assets since the Israel-Hamas conflict started.

There had been four attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria in the past 24 hours, a separate U.S. official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Three U.S. troops had minor injuries and they had returned to duty, the official added.

On Thursday morning, a U.S.-led coalition convoy was targeted by an improvised explosive device (IED) blast in the vicinity of Mosul Dam but suffered no casualties, the U.S military official and two security sources said.

The security sources said the patrol was accompanied by Iraqi counter-terrorism forces and that a vehicle in the patrol was damaged.

Read more: Reuters