Jordan says it foiled plot against its security by Iran-linked smugglers from Syria

Jordan’s army said it foiled a plot on Monday by dozens of infiltrators from Syria linked to pro-Iranian militias, who crossed its border with rocket launchers, anti-personnel mines and explosives.

State broadcaster al Mamlaka said the army blew up a vehicle laden with explosives as it resisted the biggest armed cross border operation to smuggle weapons and drugs in recent years.

The army earlier said the infiltrators had fled back across the border after injuring several army personnel in latest of several major incursions since the start of the month that has left one Jordanian soldier and at least a dozen smugglers dead.

Jordanian officials, like their Western allies, say that Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah group and militias who control much of southern Syria were behind a surge in drug and weapons smuggling.

“Jordan knows the country that stands behind this. It’s Iran that is sponsoring these militias. These are hostile military actions against Jordan on its territory,” said Samih Maayteh, a former minister briefed by officials on developments.

Read more: Reuters