Drone attack kills six Kurdish-led fighters at US base in east Syria

A drone attack on the largest US military base in Syria has killed at least six allied Kurdish-led fighters.

The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) said its commando academy at the al-Omar oil field in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour was hit in the early hours of Monday.

It accused Iran-backed militias of launching the drone from a nearby area controlled by Syrian government forces.

An Iran-backed militia umbrella group claimed it attacked the base on Sunday.
There was no comment or reports of casualties from the US military, which has about 800 troops in Syria to combat the Islamic State (IS) group.

It was reportedly the first such incident since the US conducted strikes against Iran-backed groups in Iraq and Syria over the weekend in response to a deadly drone attack on a base in Jordan.

Read more: BBC Newshttps://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68209007