Emailer threatened to bomb kid-friendly ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ at Minneapolis brewery, police say

An emailer sent messages threatening to bomb a northeast Minneapolis brewery during a weekend drag show as well as the home of the taproom’s founder and George Floyd Square, according to police.

Police spokesman Aaron Rose said that “officers did not find explosives at any location” after conducting searches Sunday afternoon at Broken Clock Brewing Cooperative at 1712 NE. Marshall St., founder Jeremy Mathison’s home in Columbia Heights and at the Minneapolis intersection informally named after Floyd, who was murdered there by police in May 2020.

“According to the email threat,” Rose said, “the brewery was targeted because they were scheduled to host a ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ event that day. The brewery was immediately evacuated after the threat was received.”

Rose said police were continuing to investigate the origin of the email. No arrests have been announced.

“Drag Queen Story Time” is crafted as a kid-friendly gathering to encourage reading among youngsters, with Mr. Mom as the main character. Police said they were alerted to the threat about 10 minutes before the event was scheduled to start.

Read more: Minneapolis Star-Tribune