Man jailed for life after Gaza ‘revenge’ murder in Hartlepool

A terrorist who murdered a pensioner in Hartlepool town centre as “revenge” for “the people of Gaza” has been jailed for 45 years.

Ahmed Alid, 45, an asylum seeker from Morocco, stabbed 70-year-old Terence Carney, a complete stranger he encountered on the street, on 15 October.

Minutes earlier, he had broken into the bedroom of his housemate, Christian convert Javed Nouri, and hacked at him while he slept.

Alid shouted “Allahu Akbar” – “God is great” – during the attack at the Home Office-approved asylum seekers’ accommodation, which Nouri survived. Alid then fled into the street, still armed with a knife.

During Alid’s trial, the court heard that his housemates had observed him watching coverage of the Hamas attack on 7 October and that he had begun carrying a knife.

Read more: The Guardian (UK)