Five right-wing terrorists arrested throughout Europe with the support of Eurojust and Europol

Eurojust and Europol have supported the competent authorities in Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Lithuania, Romania and Italy in an international operation against right-wing terrorism. During a joint action day, 5 suspects were apprehended and an additional 7 others interrogated across the different countries. Furthermore, data carriers and weapons were seized.

The suspects allegedly belong to a right-wing organisation that uses an online platform for terrorist-related activities, including the dissemination of violent extremist propaganda, the active recruitment of new members and for sharing manuals of 3D printed weapons. Some of the members of the organisation are believed to have written their own manifesto and to have access to weapons.

Despite of the young age of some of the suspects, indicators showed that there was an increased risk that some of them would take action soon.

The case was opened by Eurojust in July 2023 at the request of the Belgian authorities. Two coordination meetings were hosted by the Agency to facilitate judicial cooperation between the authorities of the countries involved the investigation. Eurojust supported the organisation of a coordination center on the action day on 9 November to enable real-time coordination of the actions.

Read more: Europol