Former neo-Nazi accused of killing 2 Tampa roommates enters guilty plea on first day of trial

As Devon Arthurs’ trial was set to begin Monday, the Tampa man – accused of killing his roommates six years ago – suddenly changed his mind and pled guilty.

“How do you wish to plead to the five charges asked the court?”

“I plead guilty,” replied Arthurs.

At the 11th hour, he took a plea deal and bypassed a jury trial. Arthurs was pleading guilty to several charges including two counts of second-degree murder with a firearm.

The 24-year-old is going away for 45 years. He told the judge he now rejects hate and plans to change hearts in prison.

“During the incident, I was 18 years old, brainwashed by a militant movement and stuff like that. I don’t know or think that was going to cause ramifications like this. I don’t take it lightly at all. I think it’s tragic for everyone involved. I feel like I could try to better myself as a human being and make the lives of those around me better as well,” explained Arthurs.

Read more: Fox 13 (Tampa Bay, FL)