Jan. 6 Proud Boys defendant who led law enforcement on manhunt sentenced to 10 years in prison

A member of the far-right Proud Boys group who was convicted on charges that included assaulting police during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and later cut off his ankle monitor in an attempt to flee from law enforcement was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Thursday.

Christopher Worrell, of Florida, was convicted of seven counts at a bench trial last year after prosecutors alleged he sprayed law enforcement officers during the attack as they defended the north side of the Capitol against a large group of rioters.

In remarks to the judge before sentencing, Worrell emotionally characterized his conduct on Jan. 6 as “inexcusable and unjustified” and said he was “truly sorry” to law enforcement and members of Congress.

“Nearly three years ago today, I made some choices I sincerely regret,” he told D.C. District Judge Royce Lamberth.

Read more: CBS News