Bowling Green man convicted on terrorism charges after working with 2 WKU students to join ISIS

A Bowling Green man was convicted on multiple terrorism charges and he was working with two Western Kentucky University students at the time.

A federal jury convicted Mirsad Ramic, 34, last month for his involvement with ISIS. Court documents show Ramic and the two WKU students all left the U.S. to support ISIS back in 2014. They purchased one-way tickets out of Nashville and ended up in Gaziantep, Turkey, near the Syrian border, court documents show.

The two students were Saudi nationals on student VISAs at the time.

One of the students died fighting abroad for the effort a year later. The other emailed WKU two times about joining ISIS and expressed desire that ISIS conquer the United States. It’s not clear if he is in custody or faces any charges.

Read more: WDRB