Major jihadist attack in Mali’s capital killed more than 70, security source says

A jihadist attack in the Malian capital targeting a military police training camp and airport left more than 70 people dead and 200 wounded, one of the highest tolls suffered by the security forces in recent years.

A security source speaking on condition of anonymity told AFP that 77 people had been killed and 255 wounded in Tuesday’s attacks in Bamako.

An authenticated confidential official document put the toll at around 100, naming 81 victims.

Thursday’s edition of Le Soir daily reported that the funerals of around 50 military police students would take place that day.

Mali’s military-led authorities have so far not released a precise death toll from the attacks, claimed by the al Qaeda-linked Group to Support Islam and Muslims (JNIM).

The operation was the first of its kind in years and dealt a forceful blow to the ruling junta, experts say.

Read more: France 24